Use it up jam recipe: turn a soggy fruit salad into a long-lasting preserve

With a few hours of maceration and a quick boil, bits and bobs of soft summer fruit can be saved from the compost heap

Picture this: it’s the day after a big party – perhaps it was a summer picnic – and among the empty glasses and used plates, slightly soggy crackers and decidedly secondhand-looking wodges of cheese, there’s an assortment of leftover fruit.

Maybe it’s berries or passionfruit that weren’t used on the pavlova, or excess flesh not used in the mango float. More than likely, there’s some sliced lemon that never realised its dream of becoming a garnish. Whatever it is, there’s not really enough of any one thing to do much with, so chances are these odds and sods will either sit on the bench or in containers in the fridge until they’re definitely no good to anyone.

Mix fruit with ¾ its weight in sugar.

Leave until it goes runny.

Heat until it goes jelly-like.

Seal it in a very clean jar.

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