
Showing posts from April, 2020

Honeycomb chocolate chunks

chocolate honeycomb Honeycomb chocolate chunks are an indulgent, nostalgic homemade sweet surprise that the whole family will love. These shards of golden, crunchy honeycomb dipped in milk chocolate feel like such a treat thanks to their warm colour, moreish texture and sweet finish. Making honeycomb chocolate chunks isn’t nearly as difficult as you might think. For this honeycomb recipe you just need four ingredients. This simple honeycomb recipe can also be whipped up in minutes! The key to making these delicious chocolate chunks is getting the sugar nice and hot before adding the bicarbonate of soda. You will need a sugar thermometer at home to cook this recipe. If the sugar isn’t hot enough when you add the bicarbonate of soda the finished honeycomb will be a little bit soft and soggy, not delicious and crunchy. If you prefer you can always swap the coating for dark chocolate, which will bring the overall sweetness of the recipe down a little, giving a more grown-up flavour

How to keep your kids entertained at home when you're self-isolating

Let's face it - being stuck indoors with our little ones can be challenging at the best of times. But following the news that UK schools and colleges are now closed for the foreseeable future, days just like that now have become our new normal. Don’t get us wrong – we all love our kiddos. But spending every day with them at home, particularly if you are self-isolating, attempting to home-school, and trying to do work of your own from home , is a tough prospect. Julie Morgenstern , New York Times best-selling author of Time to Parent , said that it’s vital to keep up some sort of a routine, no matter what is on it, in order to maintain some normality during these odd times. She explained, “In a time of chaos, organisation, structure and routine where you can create it is critical to your mental and physical health and your relationships as a family. Sit down to figure out some order in your home – what rooms will be used for work , what rooms are for ‘school or kid activities’,

When will Burger King, KFC, Pret, Costa Coffee and McDonalds open for deliveries?

Fast food restaurants including Burger King and KFC will be re-opening for takeaway orders only soon and here are all the details. In the Test Kitchen we’re firm believers that there are few things more satisfying than a delicious homemade meal, treat or snack. Whether it’s making your own loaf of bread or mastering your favourite takeaway dish, our crispy duck pancakes and veggie tikka masala are real winners, homemade food is often more flavoursome, healthier and cheaper too. However, we’re also human and we totally understand that sometimes you want nothing more than a piece of fried chicken, without all washing up! With lockdown still in place and social distancing the new normal, restaurants and bars still remain closed on the whole. Thankfully, some of the nation’s favourite fast food chains have been able to re-open on a takeout basis so you can have a respite from cooking every meal from scratch. Details on what restaurants are open and when are below: When will Burge

This X Factor star just married her girlfriend in isolation after their wedding was cancelled

X Factor star Saara Aalto and her girlfriend Meri Sopanen got married in lockdown after their wedding was cancelled. The Finnish pop star, who competed in Dancing On Ice last year, and her fiancée of three years were supposed to marry in a big ceremony surrounded by loved ones. Of course, with the coronavirus pandemic impacting the whole world, the wedding couldn’t go ahead as originally planned. But the loved up couple refused to let social distancing measures stop them from tying the knot and went ahead with their special day anyway. View this post on Instagram HAPPY NEWS!! First of all, we got married and Meri is now officially Meri Aalto (love you @meriaaltoofficial).. still waiting for the wedding though.. And this is the name Meri wanted to use now that we are going to announce some amazing new projects! . We have dreamt about building our No Fear brand and now finally we had time to do it! We are launching our ”No Fear – Rohkeamp

Is there such a thing as healthy biscuits? The best and worst biscuits for your diet revealed

It's no secret that us Brits love biscuits, but our love of the sweet treats could spell disaster for our waistlines with some of them containing an alarming amount of calories and sugar. Getty Images Our guide to healthy biscuits – and the biscuits that are the worst for your diet… According to research, we Brits work our way through a massive 141 million packs of biscuits a year. Whether we buy them for midday snacks, filling the kids’ lunch boxes or serving with our afternoon cuppas, the biscuit industry is worth a staggering £2.2billion – and we’ll be the first to admit we might have contributed to that more than a little! Read more: Best and worst chocolate bars for your diet Biscuits are our go-to treat, and we all have our favourites: HobNobs, Jaffa Cakes, Jammy Dodgers, we don’t know where we’d be without a biscuit or two on the treat menu from time to time. But is our craving for a sweet treat causing harm to our waistlines? And is there such a thing as healthy