Salt cod, croquetas and fideuà: Yotam Ottolenghi’s Spanish-inspired recipes

A trio of dishes for an Iberian-themed summer gathering: salt cod with grated tomatoes and dill oil, vermicelli cooked paella-style with charred peppers and aubergines, and goat’s cheese croquetas with a tangy dip

At this time of year, with the longest day of the year earlier this week, thoughts of long evenings eating tapas are rarely far from my culinary thoughts. Making tapas often requires a good chunk of time in the kitchen – salt cod, croquetas and allioli do take a fair while to make. But, to my mind, that’s all part of the occasion: potter about the kitchen, slip off for a siesta, and possibly bring the sundowner forward an hour or so to enjoy while you prep … ¡Salud!

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from Recipes | The Guardian


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