What are the safest trampolines - and are sunken trampolines safer for kids?

Hours of fun can be had on a trampoline - whether it be in your garden or at a local leisure centre.

Few things at home are more exciting for your kids than the chance to jump up and down on a trampoline – plus, they’re a great way to get them outside, and to ensure they get some exercise into their day. And during lockdown, they’re a brilliant way to while away the hours as a family.

But if you’re considering buying a trampoline, you might be wondering which is the safest for your family.

There are a variety of things to consider when it comes to buying the right trampoline – you just need to examine the options.

What are the safest trampolines?

There isn’t one single trampoline that is the safest – it all depends what your priorities are for your family.

For some, a concern is the metal springs that come with a trampoline, which allow it to bounce. A common worry is that little fingers can get trapped in the springs and cause injuries. As such, some people prefer to buy Springfree trampolines – which are often referred to by experts as the “the world’s safest trampoline.”

MORE: Things to do with kids: 65 cheap activities to keep children entertained

Many also prefer the option of a trampoline with a safety netting around it, which eliminates the chance of your child (or an adult!) jumping and accidentally falling onto the ground below.

This netting will in most cases prevent your child from falling off the side of the trampoline, but it is still important to be sure that your children don’t go too near the edge of the equipment, to minimise the risk of their feet or hands getting trapped, or slipping down the sides.

If you’re after a netted trampoline, this is a good option from Wayfair – as is this one from Amazon.

Credit: Getty Images

It’s also important to ensure you buy a solid and reliable trampoline, made of the best quality possible. A trampoline should have a strong frame and structure – be sure to ask about these in any shop, or enquire about it if you are buying online. Normally, trusted brands such as Springfree, Plum, and Evostar can guarantee this kind of quality. As well as sturdiness, here is everything else you need to consider when buying a trampoline.

However, it’s important to bear in mind that all trampolines may pose some form of risk by their very nature. After all, you are launching yourself up a couple of feet into the air, so there is always some small potential for injury.

But, if you are sensible and safe, and teach your kids how to behave on the trampoline, there is usually no need to worry about using a trampoline, and having fun on it.

Are sunken trampolines safer for kids?

Some think that a sunken trampoline, built into the ground of your garden, may be safer for kids, given that they do not require stairs, which children could fall from .In fact, if you are worried about your kids tackling the stairs needed to climb into a trampoline, a sunken trampoline may be the right pick for you, as they can simply walk straight onto it.

And, there is the thought that sunken trampolines may be safer because, if you do fall from them, you will not fall from as much of a height as an above-ground trampoline.

safest trampoline

Credit: Getty Images

However, Trampolinetoday.com notes that sunken trampolines still present a level of risk of falling onto the hard ground or grass.

They say, “The first thing that you have to understand is that in-ground trampolines are not inherently safer than ones up on stilts.

“Keep in mind that the purpose of a trampoline is to launch a person several feet into the air, sometimes up to as high as 10 feet off the ground. If you fall off the trampoline and hit the ground from that height, you can still hurt yourself.”

There is also the chance that you may miss the mat, and land on the ground with a sunken trampoline – although this is easily avoided if you are careful and observant of your space.

You should also consider that sunken trampolines are easily accessible to almost all children – including crawling babies. There is a chance that they may climb onto it before you have a chance to notice, whereas an above-ground trampoline would likely be much more difficult for young children to get onto without you knowing.

Essentially, there are pros and cons to both above-ground trampolines and in-grounds trampolines. You just need to make the decision that you feel is best for your family.

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